Saturday, April 30, 2011

30th April - Size 14 Skirt :)

Fit into a size 14 skirt today - made me SO happy! bought a suit - jacket and the skirt and I look so nice in it.
Started Body Balance classes that I have renamed Body Torture.
Got my Wii going as the yoga section has many of the Body Torture elements in it - great for practice.
Decided to go for Body Pump once a week - have not started yet because Body Torture tortures me long after the class has finished.
Walked for 6km yesterday
Started drinking ea without the usual 2 sugars
Found a nice soy milk I like, reducing my cows milk (listening to my body not liking lactose so much anymore)
Getting into BI stuff, downloaded some books for my Kindle, as well as a book on data warehousing and on making dashboards with excel 2007

Feeling good!

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