Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Put on weight. Must do something about this.
Saw the neurologists yesterday. They wanted to do another lumber puncture, just to see what the numbers would be. We agreed not to since I am improving and since I don't want a needle in my spine for no reason. They want me to take good care of myself for another 3 months and not to work for another month. They said I did way too much too early.

Getting a kindle, veryhappy, can't wait for it to arrive.
Got computer set up for Windows and MS Project, got online but my consulting firm has no courses that are working. There is one for $750 online, but that is alot of money! I might just go through the Project for dummies book I got on the weekend.

Walked the dogs for 3km this morning, went an extra bit. want to increase the distance. Took them for a wash this afternoon. started to call people in my network. Went to Kmart and bought an iron. Made shepperds pie for dinner. sorted out my shoes and boots in my wardrobe.

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